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Wednesday 16. October 2024 - 09:35

Messi lavishes praise on former Real Madrid midfielder; club have buyback clause

FC Barcelona legend Lionel Messi has expressed admiration for Nico Paz, a former Real Madrid midfielder now playing for Como.

Messi has highlighted Nico’s exceptional mindset, which sets him apart from many players.

He has observed that Nico possesses a remarkable level of maturity that is surprising for someone of his age.

"It’s crazy and beyond his age. He is a player who has an impressive head, that’s why he is where he is," said Messi after Nico made his international debut last night against Bolivia.

Messi believes this strong mentality is a significant reason for Nico’s current success and hopes he continues to develop further.

"I hope he continues to grow and that we can continue to help him grow as he did today when he played, made his debut, and added minutes."

"He will also feel comfortable because we have a lot of the ball: he grew up with that and has a lot of quality," he added.

Since transferring from Real Madrid to Como this summer to join forces with Cesc Fabregas, Nico has made considerable strides in his career.

This move has allowed him to gain valuable experience and playing time, contributing to his growth as a player.

While Como hold a 50% stake in Nico, Real Madrid still retain significant rights regarding his future. The club has included a buy-back clause in the agreement, which can be activated until 2027, along with a right of first refusal.

This arrangement suggests that Madrid remains interested in Nico’s development. Given the impressive performances he has delivered since joining Como, the prospect of a return to the Spanish capital is becoming more plausible.

Real Madrid are unlikely to overlook a player who shows great potential to become a crucial part of their team in the coming years.

If he continues to evolve and refine his skills at this rapid pace, it may not be long before he finds himself back at Real Madrid, potentially ready to make a significant contribution to the club’s future success.

Provided by: Frank Henriksen
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